Show Your Waste-Croatia

All about textile


From the 19th until the 22nd of September 2024 we had our third study visit at Udruga Vestigium in Zagreb where we dived into the world and lifecycle of textiles and were inspired to promote sustainable practices in our communities. 


The inviting atmosphere encouraged great experiences, meaningful discussions and networking. 


We brainstormed ideas for a board game designed for youth and to raise awareness about textile, food and plastic waste. 


The dynamic of the group was great, thoughtful  and empowering. We managed to learn a lot from each other, through the game „Textile Untangled“ and an up-cycling workshop transforming old to new. We visited a small vintage store learning about  innovative approaches in running a business which can also be sustainable. 


We left with a shared commitment to cultivate our ideas in our communities that prioritize care for both people and the planet. With the seeds of change planted in our hearts, we are inspired to take these experiences back to our lives.