The Value Of Waste is a partnership project between three organizations that aims to spark curiosity and offer simple solutions on the global issue that is waste management. 

We, in the Value of Waste team believe that nothing is waste until it ends up in the trash bin and it is a mindset that we would like to transmit through this project. 

During the next year and a half we will explore the topics of organic, textile and plastic waste together, through various activities, whether it is online content, in person workshops or visits of each other's organizations. In addition to this we will also share all the results with you, through both digital and in person educational content! 

What does this project offer?

The project includes various activities: 

  • partner visits, that are open to youth workers from the 3 partner countries, focused on educational activities that aim to reduce food, textile and plastic waste
  • local workshops open to all 
  • the creation of a board game on the topic of food waste
  • digital content in the form of an online journey
  • a "Value of Waste" fair in which all the content created during the project will be shared with the public

How can you get involved?

You can: 

  • sign up for the online journey HERE and take part in the challenges 
  • follow our progress on social media and on this website 
  • come see us in Zagreb in April 2025 to see all the project results!

If you are in Hungary, Slovenia or Croatia you can also: 

  • join our local workshops

If you are an educator, teacher, youth worker or volunteer working with young people and you live in Hungary, Croatia or Slovenia you can even: 

  • participate in the partner visits

You can also contact us directly on social media or via email!

What is our goal?

With this project we aim to react to environmental issues by educating and supporting people in a shift towards more sustainable habits

We want to contribute to the preservation of our environment and to the fight against climate change but also to help counter the feeling of hopelessness that is shared by many when faced with prognostics for the future of our planet.

Our goals are: 

  • for the participants to improve their competences and develop skills and attitudes leading them to adopting more responsible behaviors when it comes to waste and natural resources, by bringing sustainable alternatives to the forefront.


  •  to equip youth workers with tools and methods that will enable them to facilitate group activities with young people on sustainability related topics but also to facilitate a change of habits towards sustainability among the young people they work with.


  • to encourage people to reduce the disposal of waste in the land fields and therefore green gas emissions by introducing some of the ideas of the degrowth movement as an inspiration, mainly the idea that more doesn't always equal better and to shift peoples’ perspective from quantitative to qualitative, encouraging them to value and reuse the resources that most people see as waste.


  • to connect youth workers, from different countries in the same region of Europe, including youth workers that have not necessarily worked trans-nationally yet, in order to share the ways they address the environmental challenges faced in their local context and to support each other in the development of tools that will contribute to facing these challenges.


  •  to build local and regional networks for further cooperation, such as project generation, informal initiatives and inspiration from local actions.


This project aims to spark curiosity on the global issue that is waste management, one of the causes of Climate Change, and an important social and cultural topic which approaches the problematic of ensuring a sustainable future.

Who are we?

We are a team of 3 organizations located in South Eastern Europe, with a common passion for being a bit more gentle to our beautiful planet earth and working with our communities towards a more sustainable future


Szatyor Association, based in Etyek, Hungary, was established in 2011 with the aim of raising awareness on sustainable living and conscious consumption, mainly on food and household products. They want to create the space and opportunity for people to share knowledge, experiences and results on these topics. As an alternative green organization their goal is to make a vivid exemple of how conscious behavior, healthy living, organic production and fair trade can be integrated in our everyday lives. They organize community activities, educational projects and volunteering programs that enable young people to adopt sustainable practices and to share their cultures with the local community.


Udruga Vestigium is an association located in the suburbs of Zagreb, Croatia. It is an ecological-creative association created for improving the quality of the local community by approaching and promoting a healthy and sustainable way for the future. Their vision is to support sustainable urban community life by engaging and empowering members to become active citizens through initiatives. Today the association is recognised for its community- supported agriculture farmers market, a free library, a school garden, swap shops, as well as various events, talks and workshops on various topics. It is a community centre designed by the users, run by the local people and for the local people.


KNOF is a social enterprise, based in Krško, Slovenia. It is a pioneer in social entrepreneurship and circular economy in Slovenia with a mission to popularize sustainable lifestyles. With this purpose they are developing sustainable services and products that are replacing plastic or minimizing waste. In this process they include people with disabilities, volunteers and unemployed people.


Past Events

Show Your Waste-Slovenia

Our first joint study visit took place in Krško, Slovenia from March 14th to 17th. It is part of a Erasmus + partnership project, funded by the EU, in the field of Youth which focuses on the value of waste, more specifically when it comes to plastics, textiles and food.Participants from Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary were welcomed to Krško, Slovenia.

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Kick Off Meeting

In October 2023, Szatyor hosted the kick-off meeting for a new small-scale partnership project with representatives of Udruga Vestigium and Knof on the topic of waste and its value.

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Coming up!

Events Date
Local Events - Act local, save or reuse your waste at home Throughout 2024, dates are shared every month in our online journal!
Play Around Your Waste - Launch of a board game April 2025
Around Your Waste - Public Event, Zagreb Croatia April/May 2025


Want to waste less? Read our online Journal!

Project code: 2023-1-HU01-KA210-YOU-000155714